Firm Presentations Weekly Meetings
The Cal Poly Accounting Club loves the opportunity to host firms each week! The presentations take place every Tuesday between 11-12p in room 112 of the Business Building.
This is a fantastic opportunity for firms to connect with students. We ask firms to present both on their firm and industry.
In addition to speaking about your firm, we would appreciate you presenting a brief audit case study in an effort to assist in our club's goal of being a professional development resource to our members. We highly encourage you to be as interactive as possible.
1. Please allot 20 minutes to speaking on this topic. The remaining 10 minutes may be dedicated to talking about your firm.
2. If you will be using a PowerPoint presentation, please email it to me the day before the meeting or bring it on a USB drive.
3. CPAC provides parking passes at no charge for presenters. Please let me know how many cars you need a pass for, as well as the names of the professionals who need them, at least one week in advance.
4. We request presenting firms sponsor food for our club members at the meeting. Please let me know which option you would like to sponsor: a. Fatte’s Pizza (about $150) b. Woodstock’s Pizza (about $350) c. Old SLO BBQ (about $650)
5. The CPAC Board will do announcements for about 10 minutes starting at 11:10 AM, and we like to leave about 10 minutes at the end of the hour for mingling and cleaning up the room. Therefore, your presenters should plan on speaking for about 30 minutes, from 11:20 – 11:50 AM. We must stress the importance of leaving enough time to clean up the room, as the next class starts entering at 12:00 PM.
6. If you would like to network with students after the meeting, please let me know at least a week in advance, so we can set up a table in the business building breezeway for you to do so. We ask that you bring your own tablecloth.
7. If you would like a list of names and contact information of students who attended the meeting, please provide a handout to pass around. Make sure your firm’s name and logo are at the top of the handout so students can distinguish it from our sign-in sheet. This procedure is done to allow students to exercise their right to protect their private information, which is stated in the FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) guidelines.
8. Our CPAC Advisor and the Cal Poly Executive Director for Accounting Excellence, Sheri Boscaro, enjoys the opportunity to connect with visiting accounting professionals to share updates on our school, college and accounting program. Feel free to contact her at sboscaro@calpoly.edu, if you would like to coordinate coffee or lunch during your visit.
If you have any other questions about your upcoming visit please feel free to reach out to me at vpfirmrelations@polycpac.com. We look forward to seeing you soon!