Transfer Resources
Advice for 1st Quarter Transfer Students
Only take 12 units, because the first quarter is overwhelming and you are adjusting to a new environment
Take two hard classes and one easy class
Enrollment Advice
BUS 319 Accounting Information Systems
Take this as soon as you can because it is a prerequisite to the rest of the concentration if you want to graduate in two year
STAT 252
Try to take within the first two quarters because it is a requirement for many of the upper division Business classes
If you are set on the accounting concentration, you should focus on Fall Symposium because it is usually in the first couple of weeks of fall quarter
Good opportunity to expose yourself to a summer internship program, which can lead to the start of your future career
Be sure to have your resumes and business professional prepared first week of school
A good resource for preparing your resume is Alexis Melville
Get paired up with a current CPAC member as a resource for guidance