CPAC Election Information
Interested in running for CPAC Board? Elections happen each winter in February. Everyone is able to run for two positions. Each candidate must submit an application and then either participate in interviews or present a one-minute speech the day of elections depending on the position(s) the candidate is running for.
We encourage everyone interested in running for CPAC Board to apply for CPAC Committees as well. Committees provide an awesome opportunity to build leadership skills, learn about the club, meet our members and often become Board members the following year.
A few weeks before elections a mandatory information session will be held. We also encourage prospective candidates to meet with the CPAC board member whose position they are seeking. You may find their contact information on the Executive Board Page. All candidates interested in President and VP of Professional Events should also meet with our advisor, Sheri Boscaro (sboscaro@calpoly.edu).
A GPA above 3.0 is strongly encouraged for all Board and Committee applicants.
You must turn in an application to be considered for Board/Committees.
Questions about board? Email the President: president@polycpac.com